We are in a cycle of transformation, which may seem like a chaotic and bumpy path. We all have the skills to maintain our center and move through this time as awakened Light Bodies. Several of my students have asked for an Awakening Your Light Body refresher class. It is in response to them that I have put together this one-day class.
This class is open to all Awakening Your Light Body graduates who would like a brief refresher class. We will go through all of the energy centers, creating balance and harmony within the Renawre cocoon and Light Body cocoon. We will practice our skills and bring conscious awareness to re-energizing and harmonizing the centers. If you have taken Awakening Your Light Body in the past but feel uncertain in your ability to maintain a flow, unsure of the purity of frequency of each center, or need practice in transmission of the frequencies, then this class if for you.
Upon registration you will receive a confirmation and a Zoom link within a few days. Minimum attendance is 5 participants. Please register early.
Cost: $99